Author: Raffaello Secchi
Date: 2007
License: MIT
TDMA-DAMA for ns-2 is an implementation of DAMA (Demand Assignment Multiple Allocation) TDMA method for satellite networks. Its implementation, usage examples and validation are described in the paper
As an application example that has been studied with this module (example scripts, below you can find a fluidic model representation of the behaviour of a single TFRC flow on an otherwise unloaded network.
The lines represent cumulative kbit measured at the output of the streamer, the TFRC sending agent, the DAMA sending station, the DAMA receiving station. Horizontal distance between any two lines represents delay, while vertical distance represents amount of buffered data. The last line represents the delay from streamer to DAMA receiver output seen by data versus the time the data exits from the streamer.
This fluidic simulation uses a CGI script and an Octave script called damatfrc.m.