CostGlue: a tool for packaging and exchanging simulation results

Author: Dragan Savić

Date: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008

License: GNU LGPL

Source: SVN server (user:cost285, passwd:cost285)


CostGlue is a storage tool for big to huge quantities of data derived from simulation runs and measurements. It is intended as an aid to simulation and measurement pratictioners to efficiently store, access, filter and exchange data. Through the use of import and export modules written in Python, CostGlue is able to read and write specialised data formats.

As of 2008, CostGlue is still in the prototype phase. It is hosted at the SVN server (user:cost285, passwd:cost285) of the Laboratory for Telecommunications at the University of Ljubljana (SI), and can be freely accessed in read-only mode. If you want to contribute to its development, please write to Dragan Savić.

COST logo (png 30kB) Modelling and simulation tools for research
in emerging multi-service telecommunications

CostGlue was born within the COST, a framework for scientific and technical cooperation, allowing the coordination of national research on a European level. COST Actions consist of basic and precompetitive research as well as activities of public utility. Specifically, COST Action 285 objectives have been the realization or improvement of simulation tools for telecommunications. Arnol Bragg has written for COST 285 an overview of the main issues in current practice of simulation of communications systems.

The CostGlue architecture is described in a presentation and in the papers:

Data stored in Costglue is described via metadata in XML format, organised following the CostGlue XML Schema (technical report).