Paolo Barsocchi (a), Antonino Crivello (a,b), Davide La Rosa (a), Filippo Palumbo (a)
(a) Italian National Council of Research, ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy, Email: {name.surname}
(b) Department of Information Engineering and Mathematics, University of Siena, Siena, Italy
Date: 2016
License: MIT
Source: Dataset (~3 MB)
Pointsmapping.ods: A three column spreadsheet (ID,X,Y) which points mapping in local coordinates. Each ID represents a unique place on the map. The X-Y coordinates represents the local coordinates. For each measure: measure1(2)_timestamp_id.csv: Timestamp (Unixtime) of arrival on placeID, timestamp (Unixtime) of departure by placeID, Place ID identifier (0-324) measure1(2)_smartphone_sens.csv: According to measure1(2)_timestamp_id.csv, this csv contains the data sensors retrieved by the smartphone. Timestamp, AccelerationX, AccelerationY, AccelerationZ, MagneticFieldX, MagneticFieldY, MagneticFieldZ, Z-AxisAgle(Azimuth), X-AxisAngle(Pitch), Y-AxisAngle(Roll), GyroX, GyroY, GyroZ measure1(2)_smartwatch_sens.csv: According to measure1(2)_timestamp_id.csv, this csv contains the data sensors retrieved by the smartwatch. Timestamp, AccelerationX, AccelerationY, AccelerationZ, MagneticFieldX, MagneticFieldY, MagneticFieldZ, Z-AxisAgle(Azimuth), X-AxisAngle(Pitch), Y-AxisAngle(Roll), GyroX, GyroY, GyroZ measure1(2)_smartphone_wifi.csv: Each rows contains PlaceId (ascending order) and 127 column, with RSSI level for each different WAPs retrieved during the campaign. Not all the WAPs are detected in each scan. For these WAPs, the articial RSSI value is -100 (dbm).
Citation Requests:
Barsocchi, P., Crivello, A., La Rosa, D., and Palumbo, F.
``A multisource and multivariate dataset for indoor localization methods based on WLAN and geo-magnetic field fingerprinting,''
In Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), 2016 International Conference on.
IEEE 2016, pp. 1-8.