Index of /data/wichmo/outdoor/6-navpol/aggregated
These data are aggregated statistics on data measured in Navacchio at
the beginning of 2006 using two laptops in 802.11 ad hoc mode at
different distances on a wide uncultivated field.
See README int he parent directory for a description of the measured
Each file contains data relative to a single transmission speed: 1, 2,
5.5, 11 Mb/s. Each line contains these fields:
- sequence number starting from 0 relative to a ~15min measurement
- lenght of the frame in bytes: to obtain the whole frame lenght one
must add an LLC/SNAP header, CRC and MAC header. There are three
lengths: 500, 1000 and 1500 bytes. The frame lengths in ms are:
|len[ms]| 1 Mb/s| 2 Mb/s|5.5Mb/s|11 Mb/s|
| 500 B | 5.154 | 2.954 | 1.555 | 1.154 |
|1000 B | 9.154 | 4.954 | 2.282 | 1.518 |
|1500 B |13.154 | 6.954 | 3.009 | 1.881 |
- signal level presented by the network card: multiply by 0.6 to get dB
- frame error rate