Index of /data/wichmo/navacchio
These are the data measured in Navacchio (Pisa) in April, 2006 using two
laptops in 802.11 ad hoc mode at different distance on a wide
uncultivated field. The laptops are two IBM Thinkpad R40e laptops
(Celeron 2 GHz with 256 MB ram running Debian Linux with a 2.6.8
kernel), equipped with CNet CNWLC-811 wireless cards and standard
Retransmission, RTS/CTS and fragmentation are all disabled, long
preambles are used. Frames are sent to the network card with a 5ms
intertransmission time for 11, 5.5 and 2Mb/s speeds, 10ms for the 1Mb/s
speed. Notice that frames with data length 1500B are longer than 5ms at
2Mb/s and longer than 10ms at 1MB/s: in these cases the network card
transmits the packets back-to-, so be sure to check the transmission
times. The beacon is sent every 102.4ms.
Each file name is built like this: rcv_SPEED_DISTANCE_LENGTH
where SPEED is the transmission speed (1, 2, 5.5, 11 Mb/s),
DISTANCE is the distance between the transmitter and the receiver
and LENGTH is the frame length (500, 1000, 1500 bytes).
The fields marked with an asterisk (*) below are always 0, because the
network card used for the measurements in this directory cannot give
these statistics.
Each line contains these fields:
- receive time, or 0 when packet is not received at all
- lenght of the frame in bytes to data: to obtain the whole frame
lenght one must add an LLC/SNAP header, CRC and MAC header. There are
three data lengths: 500, 1000 and 1500 bytes. The respective frame
durations can be computed as:
|len[ms]| 1 Mb/s| 2 Mb/s|5.5Mb/s|11 Mb/s|
| 500 B | 5.154 | 2.954 | 1.555 | 1.154 |
|1000 B | 9.154 | 4.954 | 2.282 | 1.518 |
|1500 B |13.154 | 6.954 | 3.009 | 1.881 |
- sequence number starting from 0
*- quality level read from the network card
- signal level read from the network card: multiply by 0.6 to get dB
*- noise level read from the network card
- status: 1 for lost frames, 0 for received frames
*- number of corrupted bits in frames received with wrong CRC